個人用メモ | Il nome della rosa

Il nome della rosa












やっぱり彼にはナンバーワンが1番お似合いですね 😉🥇✨ 

#fujiyuzu #no.1 #WTT2017 #teamjapan#teambondingtime #madehimwearthis🙊





羽生結弦、おちゃめな「日本一」の“仮装” 村元哉中「彼にはNO1が1番お似合い」 

THE ANSWER  2017.04.25







早稲田大学‏ @waseda_univ 

羽生結弦選手(人間科学部通信教育課程)が優勝に貢献 フィギュアスケート国別対抗戦

13:00 - 2017年4月25日








25APRIL 2017






フィギュア国別対抗最終日 (共同)



男子フリーの演技を終え、チームメートらと笑顔で得点を待つ羽生結弦(手前中央)=国立代々木競技場 (共同)









読売新聞 2017年04月25日 12時30分





webSportiva‏ @webSportiva

【フォトギャラリー】 世界フィギュアスケート国別対抗戦エキシビション http://bit.ly/2q8Ocgq 

12:04 - 2017年4月25日






世界フィギュアスケート 国別対抗戦エキシビション

2017.04.25  Sportiva  photo by Noto Sunao







フィギュア 性格は恥ずかしがり屋 チェンにインタビュー

会員限定有料記事 毎日新聞

















Hanyu looks at raising bar going into Olympic season



Yuzuru Hanyu’s greatness is unquestioned.

Olympic champion, world champion, holder of multiple world records, he is quickly becoming the giant of his generation.

Now the 22-year-old is planning for the future and examining how he can improve even more. Speaking to the media after his winning free skate at the World Team Trophy on Friday, Hanyu detailed his thoughts on the path forward.

“I think what was successful about this program today, although not perfect, was to shape things up in terms of the triple to the quad,” stated Hanyu, who landed a quad toe loop/single loop/triple salchow combination for the first time. “I was genuinely happy about that. I was able to gain confidence that I can use that toward next season.”

Hanyu used the new combination instead of the triple axel/single loop/triple salchow he did in his glorious free skate at the world championships in Helsinki earlier this month.

“However, at the same time, I didn’t have enough practice in that change in program, so I felt that I really needed to build my strength to be successful next season,” Hanyu noted.

“Although I was only able to cleanly land four of the five quads, I was still able to take on that challenge of performing five total,” commented Hanyu. “So that was something huge for me.”

Hanyu admitted strategic thinking played a part in the move.

“The fact that I was able to successfully land three quads in the latter half of the program (when there are bonus points awarded) was a big thing for me,” Hanyu said. “I would say it was an achievement and an accomplishment. So I’m very happy.”

Hanyu confirmed that he has been pondering the additional quad for a while.

“It has always been on my mind that I wanted to jump five quads,” Hanyu stated. “After the short program (where he was seventh) I was very disappointed and wasn’t able to sleep. So I kept waking up at 3 to 4 in the morning in the hotel. I was sort of imagining in my head what I should be doing, what I should be preparing for. I guess that is when I decided I would jump that additional quad.”

Like a true champion, Hanyu said he wanted to give it his all.

“I decided I didn’t want to have any regrets, so I just want to go in and challenge myself in this program,” Hanyu said. “I was able to come down solid for the three quads in the second half of the program. In recovering for next season and toward the Olympics, I want to raise the bar regarding what my average skills are and what I can do on an average basis.

“In that sense, I think I was able to get through those quad jumps during the latter half at around the same quality I would jump in the beginning,” Hanyu commented. “That was something big for me. I would love to work this to my advantage for next season.”

Hanyu was not yet ready to commit to doing five quads in his free skate next season, however.

“I do still want to think about it, but I think I was able to perform and give a presentation that is more like myself than other performances I have done,” Hanyu said. “With that sort of positive thought in mind, I would like to take on the challenge as much as possible.”

Hanyu detailed what he was thinking during his free skate on Friday.

“A lot was going on in my mind. Should I go from the Ina Bauer to the axel? Should I include a mohawk or an eagle in between?” Hanyu recalled. “That is one of the reasons I wasn’t able to come down as clean as I wanted to. But I still wanted to go after the most challenging of all efforts. As long as I build on more strength and am mentally prepared, I will be more successful.”

Hanyu didn’t limit his comments to just jumps. He also addressed his step sequence and being more aggressive with it.

“This was always something that I wanted to do. It was a challenge for me,” Hanyu stated. “I put a lot of motion into my steps, but I wasn’t able to control things as much as I wanted to,” he said of Friday’s free skate.

“I wouldn’t say at the world championships that it happened by coincidence,” Hanyu added. “I was able to control the steps, but I wanted to have a little more control for what I was doing in this program so I could make sure I am on the right path to scoring more.”









2017年4月23日 18:00 













